Unlock the Secrets To Feeling Your Best in Pregnancy and Gaining Strength for a Smoother Birth

Without Having to Wait to Ask in Your Next Prenatal Appointment

Get Access To “What You Won’t Learn in Your Prenatal Appointments” Pregnancy Preparedness Guide: Top 3 Strategies for a Healthy Pregnancy and Birth

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What You'll Learn With This Free PDF

Secret #1

How to X Without Y So You Can Z

Secret #2

How to X Without Y So You Can Z

Secret #3

How to X Without Y So You Can Z

About Me! Who Am I?

Hi I’m Sara Edwards and I am a nurse-midwife with 30 years experience caring for women before, during and after pregnancy, labor and birth.

I am also a nurse researcher examining how the mother’s gut microbiome health impacts her pregnancy and baby. Over my career I have noticed women have frequent issues that I also experienced during my two pregnancies, things like poor sleep, exhaustion, brain fog, rapid weight gains, poor digestion, heightened stress at work and at home, all leading to anxiety and depressed mood. I sought to understand this all better so I began researching sleep and then the gut microbiome in pregnancy. What I have learned is that the fundamentals are key to health and these truths are largely ignored by healthcare practitioners today. High tech interventions are not what matters in most cases, rather the time-honored truths of eating and living well leads to the greatest degree of flourishing. I want to share some of these truths here with you.

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